Fillmore Turner Hall was founded as part of the Farmington Turner Society in 1868.


The Farmington Turn Verein (Turners) was established and organized in Fillmore on May 13, 1862.  They held their first meeting at the old Fillmore Brewery building (the Saxonia House).  The Turner Society evolved from a German Organization that stressed physical and social improvement.

In the fall of 1867 the group reorganized and planned the present hall.  The framework was built from trees on two acres purchased from Peter Herbst.

The Turner Hall became an important part of Fillmore's early social life.  In 1881 a hardwood floor in the dance hall and the addition of a 16' x 20' bandstand in 1897 helped make the hall a popular amusement center.  There were plays and concerts by the local brass band and singing groups.

Over its history the Hall has seen a number of renovations to support the increased use of the Hall for community and private events. The Hall has evolved over the years to now accommodate both formal and casual gatherings.  The Hall is available for rent for weddings and other celebrations.